I was reading Alvinology (blog) and came across these two video clips that gives a clear explanation of what is going on in the world of money right now. It helps me to understand that the situation in Singapore may be applicable in terms of rising prices(because of the need for more debts the people have to undertake to keep the economy going strong) and taxation. The video clips (by Paul Grignon) are in 2 parts and I took some time to go thru it. I hope you have the time and patience to go thru them too if you wish to understand more about Money$$$! Part 1:
I attended the event "Paddling in the Cityscape" this morning. I had just recovered from a round of muscle aches and wonder if I will get another round in the coming days. I have not paddled this hard since more than a decade ago and I definitely must admit I must be getting on in age. I am particularly impressed with the fact that they have arranged for an ambulance with 2 medics on standby for the event(I only have a pic of one of them here).
The reason why I signed up for this event is partly because it is a good opportunity for me to see the city from a different angle..usually I am on the shore looking into the water, today I was in the water looking at the shore! It was also good exercise for me..something was wrong with my canoe(or was it just me?)..it kept going zig-zag and there was no way I could make it go straight such that it'll be more energy efficient for me..
Why I am hapering over this fact is because I was a Sea-Pro' canoeist before and I am totally ashamed for my canoe behaving like that of a beginner. I dare not to tell anyone there I ever learnt how to paddle before. Of course, as expected, I was the last few to come back(I should be glad that I could make it back!).
Anyway, I chucked all my belongings in a waterproof bag and do not have much pictures to show. I was told I could go find Kallang CC YEC Facebook page to see the photos when they are uploaded.
What I have are some photos before the commercement of the paddling which is the Kallang CC YEC Biannual GM 2011 which is graced by the GOH Grassroots Adviser Mr Edwin Tong,who is also the MP for M-K GRC. He thanked the outgoing YEC and pledged full support for the incoming YEC(which I think more or less are the same few people).
I did not know that the YEC election is part of the event and it was quite interesting for me to witness the whole process altough the election was a walkover. Before that, I was wondering why the YEC were already wearing the YEC shirts before the election..the walkover was the reason. They took the PAYM pledge to be sworn into duty.